藤森弘章 (ふじもり ひろあき) Hiroaki Fujimori [←戻る/Return]
1945年4月 長野県諏訪市に生まれる.諏訪清陵高校から1969年早稲田大学理工学部応用物理学科卒業.
April 1945- I was born in the end year of WWII, learned applied physics, graduated at Waseda University, and retired from IBM Japan.
(株)東京精密を経て1971年日本アイ・ビー・エム (株)へ.
データ ・センターで技術系プログラムを開発. その後顧客企業の電算化を支援するシステムズ・エンジニア として,自動車・造船・航空機 などの製造企業にお ける開発設計業務の ,電子計算機を中核としたシステム化を手がけ ,データの流れとシステム的視点が習い性となる.
As a systems engineer, with a systematic point of view, the properties of the system itself and the relationship between the systems were the principal points of notions.
隠居して取り組んだ特殊相対論も,慣性座標系システムをseeds(hardware)とneeds(software)の両面から分析,全体と部分の調和に腐心する .
After I retired, analyzed inertial systems from the viewpoint of seeds and needs systematically, finding internal and external harmony.
More than 40 years away from mathematics and physics, then everything has been done with self-style. The discovery of the first and the second order invariant function of a matrix awoke me the symmetry of a plane, and it was a clue to discovering the common roots of Euclidean geometry, Newtonian mechanics and the principle of relativity.
趣味 読書と昔は自転車の遠乗り.2025年ころ没予想.
辞世 時空顔 空っぽそうで 律儀なり
The last poem departing my life : Though spacetime seems to be empty, it contains the form of cosmos.
算額 2×2行列の恒等式
"Sangaku" is a tradition of Japan from the Edo era. When new problem of geometry was solved or found, the wooden framed solution with figures was put on board at the shrine or the temple. 奉納"Houno" means dedication and presentation.